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Project: Madden-Julian Oscillation, Tropical Cyclones, and Precipitation Extremes in E3SM
Title Date
Quantifying the Enhancement of Tropical Precipitation due to Mesoscale Convective Organization RGMA
Representation of the Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in Modern Reanalysis Products RGMA
Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1 RGMA
Seasonal locking of the MJO’s southward detouring of Indonesia caused by the Australian monsoon RGMA
A proposed model intercomparison study to evaluate the role of SST variability on MJO eastward propagation in climate models RGMA
Large-scale convective systems identified by hybrid cloud-precipitation regimes and their modulations by MJO and QBO RGMA
Energetics of the Convectively Coupled Equatorial Kelvin waves RGMA
Process-Oriented Diagnostics for Madden-Julian Oscillation RGMA
Process-oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones based on the moist static energy variance budget in reanalyses and high-resolution climate models RGMA
A Process-Oriented Evaluation of Tropical Cyclones in the DOE E3SMv1 Simulations RGMA
Propagation and Maintenance of MJO Convection over the Southern Maritime Continent in Boreal Winter and Spring RGMA
The Role of the Latent Heat Flux Feedback on the MJO’s Seasonal Cycle RGMA
An evaluation of global climate model-simulated tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against the satellite observations RGMA
The role of the mean state on MJO simulation in CESM2 ensemble simulation RGMA
Mean State Modulation of MJO Propagation: Role of Background Meridional Moisture Gradient RGMA
Representation of the Madden-Julian oscillation in Model E2.1 : role of the mean state and air-sea interaction RGMA

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